Jenna's Poems

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"Other" Poems

"More than just your average bag lady" - by me

I was laying on the floor,
stained, cold, and dirty boards.
Pondering the possibilities
and just what's in it for me.
These holey shoes portray the life I've lead
long and hard
days just keep coming
and ... screw the half empty cup.
mine is bone dry.
My hope blew away with the plastic cup,
and my sanity's gone with the
               w i n d

Randomness. by me

i roll over in my bed,
and I look at the ceiling.
Imaginary stars floating above me,
promising a better tomorrow,
feeding me l i e s.

Reminding me of what could've been.

silver spoons of despair
scoop away chunks of my heart
this bubble of my life is
about to

b u r s t

Stars, keep feeding me lies...
they're all that are
keepin' me alive...

Yeah, I just wanna feel alive
once again.

Frost and me - by me

frost curls unearthily up the window
snow blowing fiercely around the land
No light is seen.

the cold penetrates with such an unseen wrath,
the earth itself feels numb.

she sits near the foot of her bed,
wrapped in a mass of blankets,
silently sobbing.
her heart would ache, that is,
if she could feel anything.
she feels as dead as
everything outside of those
paper thin walls.

dismal clouds of gray and black
s w i r l
like the emotions she contains.
both of these hope,
for a break in the storm they feel inside them..